Food+ Declaration of compliance



A Declaration of Compliance confirms that a product meets Food Contact Material (FCM) regulations.

Each product in our Food+ range has a Declaration of Compliance. It is a critical document which demonstrates that steam in direct or indirect contact with food is safe for consumers and does not change the food's composition, taste, or smell.

Food and beverage manufacturers and their stakeholders, can use a Declaration of Compliance to showcase their commitment to high manufacturing standards, meeting European FCM regulations and aligning to food safety best practise.

The document typically contains:

  • Food+ product information and material description
  • Statement confirming compliance with Food Contact Material Regulations e.g. (EC) No 1935/2004
  • Any relevant test and validation information, with conditions and results
  • Spirax Sarco contact details
  • Authorisation signature and declaration date

Click here to view an example of our Food Contact Material e.g. EC1935 Declaration of Compliance