Knowledge Hub

Connecting you with insights, best practice and knowledge in steam

Abstract manufacturing image

Featured content - how can you adopt good manufacturing practice when it comes to steam quality?

This food processing special supplement shines a light on the important topic of clean steam in food and beverage processing applications.

Further Learning

Training Course Portfolio

Our courses are structured by categories including New to Steam, Boiler  House, Maintenance and Specialists

In addition to these, three correspondence courses are available for those wishing to study at their own pace

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Our CIBSE and Engineers Ireland certified CPD sessions are now available virtually, as well as in person.

View our taster video which offers an introduction to the topics we cover and get in touch with our Specialist Consultants.

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May 2024 edition

As the winter chill sets in, it’ s crucial for industries relying on steam systems to prepare for the challenges that colder temperatures bring. We understand the importance of a well maintained steam system to ensure efficiency, reliability, sustainability and safety during the winter months.

We’ve put together a comprehensive winter steam system checklist tailored for our end users.

Read now

July 2023 edition

Among the various methods of energy production, steam generation plays a significant role in many key industries, electricity generation, and district heating systems. By adopting sustainable practices in steam generation, we can reduce greenhouse gas emissions, improve energy efficiency and pave the way for a greener and more sustainable world.

Learn more in our latest Connexions Newsletter - Advance Special Edition.

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December 2022 edition

Steam is familiar in nature and part of life every day. Yet this extraordinary fluid is a high efficiency, mission-critical tool for diverse and important industries, and increasingly relevant as part of our sustainable future. Steam is too small a word for it.

This is Natural Technology.

Learn about the future that is ready now in our latest issue of Connexions.

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December 2021 Edition

As a FTSE 100 company and constituent of the FTSE4Good index, Spirax Sarco Engineering is ever mindful of our impact on the planet and works to ensure sustainable growth that benefits our stakeholders in all of the countries in which we operate worldwide. Operating sustainably is not only the right thing to do, it also makes good business sense for us.

Take a look at this issue of Connexions and read all about our focus on Sustainability.

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Natural Technology is supported by decades of engineering expertise. It is based on specific, measurable outcomes, which are substantial enough to make a real difference – and which enable organisations to clearly demonstrate their commitment to sustainability.

It will enable industry to de-couple from fossil fuels and embark on a more sustainable route to zero carbon steam systems for heat, power, and sterilization.

Discover more about natural technology in our ebook

the steam and condensate loop

This essential online book explains the principles of steam engineering and heat transfer, covering all aspects of steam & condensate systems from the boilerhouse, through the steam distribution system to the point of use, recovering, and returning condensate back to the boiler.

The steam and condensate loop

Volume 1

View online

the steam and condensate loop

Volume 2

View online

product handbook 2025

Volume 1

View online

product handbook 2025

Volume 2

View online

Catch up Webinars

Natural Technology and Healthcare: Greener Steam Technologies

Steam is essential for critical applications from heating to sterilisation. Yet its only by-product is water. When steam is generated renewably, it's as clean as it is powerful. Discover this amazing natural technology. 

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Reduce your visible emissions and reclaim lost energy

We will explore the reason why plumes of steam are visible from most food and beverage manufacturing facilities and what you can do to control them, while also helping you meet sustainability targets, reduce pressure from your local community and protect personnel on your site.

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what are the 3 Questions To Ask Yourself When Using Culinary Steam

This live webinar will explore the considerations you need to make when using steam in direct contact with your food manufacturing processes, and discuss the steps you can take to guarantee food safety is under your control.

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Sterilise Once - Improving steam sterilisation in your hospital

What should be considered by Hospital Decontamination Departments to achieve and maintain consistent high quality steam for sterilisation? During this webinar, Angelo Giambrone (UK and Ireland Healthcare Business Development Manager) and Francisco Pedrosa (EMEA Steam Quality Specialist) will cover steam generation and distribution, legislation and eliminating contamination risks. This webinar is suitable for Operating/Maintenance Engineers & Managers, Design Engineers, Head of Decontamination Units, Authorising Engineers, Facilities Managers and Facilities Engineers.

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What is the best practice approach to managing steam quality and safety in the food and beverage industry? 

During this webinar, Francisco Pedrosa (Steam Quality Specialist and EMEA Business Development Manager) covers how Food & Beverage manufacturers can look to achieve and maintain good quality steam for plant and process. This webinar is suitable for Quality Managers, HACCP Managers, Safety Managers, Production Managers, Engineering Managers, Process Engineers and Project Engineers.



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Achieving and maintaining good quality steam for plant and process in Pharma

During this webinar, Angelo Giambrone (UK and Ireland Healthcare Business Development Manager) and Dave Forte (Global Strategic Account Manager) will cover how Pharmaceutical manufacturers can look to achieve and maintain good quality steam for plant and process. This webinar is suitable for Operating Engineers, Maintenance Engineers, Maintenance Managers and Design Engineers.



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Key Safety Reminders for a Steam System

Have you considered the main points to check before you start full operations, what key maintenance checks should you be performing to keep your team and the site safe. If it’s your responsibility to ensure safe operation of the steam plant equipment, then this week’s 30 minute webinar includes information and timely reminders of the safety checks you should be considering.

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Key Safety Reminders for the Boilerhouse Food and Beverage

 If your team are under pressure to keep steam flowing in your food & beverage plant then you may also be relying on support staff to assist who potentially require additional training. If it’s your responsibility to ensure safe operation of the boilerhouse equipment, then this session includes information and timely reminders of the safety requirements in the boilerhouse.

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Key Safety Reminders for the Boilerhouse NHS

If your team are under pressure to keep steam flowing in your hospital then you may also be relying on support staff to assist who potentially require additional training. If it’s your responsibility to ensure safe operation of the boilerhouse equipment, then this session includes information and timely reminders of the safety requirements in the boilerhouse.

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Key Safety Reminders for the Boilerhouse Pharmaceuticals

If your team are under pressure to keep steam flowing in your pharmaceutical plant then you may also be relying on support staff to assist who potentially require additional training. If it’s your responsibility to ensure safe operation of the boilerhouse equipment, then this session includes information and timely reminders of the safety requirements in the boilerhouse.

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Why Reduce Pressure in a Steam System?

During this session, we'll be going back to basics on pressure reduction, including how to use the steam tables for comparing usable energy, why you may need to reduce pressure for your plant and process, safety valves, written scheme of examination and reducing flash steam and losses in your plant.

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Ask an Expert Webinar Series: The Boilerhouse

Recording from Monday 6th July at 9:30am – 10:00am

Our resident Boilerhouse expert Rob Shipton answers your questions.

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Ask an Expert Webinar Series: Control Valves

Recording from Monday 13th July at 9:30am – 10:00am 

Our resident Control Valves expert Darren Silverthorn answers your questions.

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Ask an Expert Webinar Series: Metering

Recording from Monday 20th  July at 9:30am – 10:00am 

Our resident Metering expert Andrew Cowan answers your questions.

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Ask an Expert Webinar Series: Clean Steam

 Recording from Monday 27th July at 9:30am – 10:00am

Our resident Clean Steam specialist Francisco Pedrosa answers your questions. 

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Steam Quality Calculator for Food and Beverage Manufacturers

By identifying and controlling the quality and characteristics of your steam, you can make a real impact on what matters most to your consumers.

Find out your steam quality score and get an optional steam quality assessment in less than five minutes.

Get Started

Steam trap Management calculator

A healthy steam trap population allows condensate to be removed from the steam system effectively. This means that process efficiency can be optimised, equipment is protected and the condensate can be re-used.

Is a Steam Trap Management Programme right for you? Take the quiz to find out. 

Get Started

white papers

The Brains of the boilerhouse

Find out how you can identify the true efficiency of your boilerhouse.

Download the white paper

The unsung hero of boilerhouse efficiency

How condensate recovery can be a real game-changer in energy and facilities management.

Download the white paper

Food and drink’s most powerful ingredient

The definitive guide to using a clean steam process in your food and beverage plant.

Download the white paper


Understanding steam quality and its vital role

Steve Bishop discusses the important role of steam quality in decontamination and tackles some key questions, including: how can we solve the ‘trilemma’ of service resilience, improved quality and decarbonisation challenges?

Read the article

Your Guide To Steam System Service Plans

Steam Expertise when you need it. 365 days a year. Build your Service Plan Package.

Download the guide

Domestic hot water solutions guide for hospitals

Taking a look at your healthcare challenges and their cost effective solutions.

Download the guide

How can you adopt good manufacturing practice when it comes to steam quality?

A food processing special supplement: Hygienic steam. This guide shines a spotlight on the issue of clean steam in food and beverage processing applications.

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Working towards Sustainability in Pharmaceutical Manufacturing

This guide explains the steps pharmaceutical managers can take to improve steam system efficiency, maximise process and final product quality whilst optimising overall productivity.

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Consultant specialist, Stephen Bishop provides insight into what can be done today to optimise your steam system and what the future holds for healthcare estates.

Download the guide

Steam Sterilisation Best Practice

Achieving reliable high-quality sterilisation through the provision of dry clean steam.

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If you work in an industry that uses steam, then you've probably come across steam tables. Once you understand what they do and how to use them, they'll quickly prove their worth.

Read the guide

Which grade of steam is right for your application?

This guide looks at the different grades of steam available, including plant steam, filtered steam, clean steam and pure steam. It also considers where they might be most applicable in food and drink applications.

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A specifiers guide to steam traps for chemical-free and pure steam applications

What to look for and how to make the right choice for your pharmaceutical plant.

Download the guide

Your Quick Start Guide to Adopting a Clean Steam Process

Find out more about the key advantages of adopting a clean steam process.

Download the guide

which services are right for you

Understand which services could be beneficial to your business.

Download the quick start guide

include steam within your HACCP quick start guide

Helping you to ensure the quality of your final product is achieved at all times.

Download the quick start guide

Boilerhouse efficiency quick start guide 

Increase the capacity of your boiler house and do your part to help the environment.

Download the quick start guide

Control valve edition

Increasing your process productivity and boosting process efficiency.

Download the quick start guide


Helping you to take the next steps on the path to safer and more effective isolation of your plant and equipment.

Download the guide

Fundamentals of Steam Quick Start Guide 

For those involved in the planning or upgrading of boilers, or with the day to day running.

Download the quick start guide

Quick Selection Guide for Flowmeters

Our quick selection guide gives you the basics to start selecting your perfect flowmeter.

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Five Ways to Optimise your Healthcare Steam System

Whether it is ensuring that your critical services are working correctly, saving energy and reducing carbon emissions, or planning for future plant developments and modernisation, here are five ways to
help you achieve your goals.

Download the infographic

Improve your steam sterilisation and reduce your risk of wet packs

Find out how your sterilisation department can be more efficient.

Download the infographic

Four ways to minimise risk in sanitary steam systems

Find out the best practice tips for specifying steam traps in processes requiring high levels of sterility.

Download the infographic

Five Ways To Boost Boiler House Efficiency

Key technologies to improve steam generation efficiency.

Download the infographic

Can your process be more accurate and more reliable?

Discover the process improvements you could be implementing.

Download the infographic

Eight advantages to using the correct FOOD quality STEAM in your proDUCTION

Find out the key advantages you can achieve by using the correct steam quality.

Download the infographic

What quality of steam are you using in your food and drink production?

Find out how a move towards clean steam can help Food & Beverage manufacturers.

Download the infographic