
Introduction to Steam and Condensate Systems City & Guilds Assured

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Course Details

  • Course Code B1
  • Course Duration: 1 Day
  • Course Fee: £475 (+VAT)*
  • City and Guilds Assured

Who is it for? 

Anyone requiring an understanding of steam and condensate systems and factors affecting operation. Ideal for Apprentices, those new to a steam role in any capacity or anyone wanting a basic refresher.

what is it about

This course provides a broad understanding of the purpose and safe operational requirements of steam and condensate systems. On completion, delegates will receive a City & Guilds Assured certificate and digital credentials, there is no testing element on this course.

Our Trainers, Mike Maslanka and Tom Suwart talk you through what you can expect from the training course.

This is a great course, Tom, the trainer was extremely enthusiastic and knowledgeable which made the course interesting and really helpful. Tom did an excellent job in engaging with all the participants, asking questions throughout and encouraging active participation rather than just sitting and watching. Which for me massively helps with the learning process.
- Remote Course Attendee


Course Objectives

By the end of the course delegates will be able to:
  • Understand the fundamentals of steam and its uses
  • Understand why condensate is formed, how and why it is removed and its value
  • Know the major components of a steam and condensate system
  • Understand how steam gets to the point of use
  • Understand the reasons for reducing pressure at the point of use


See below


The course starts 9:00am and finishes at 4:30pm

Upcoming Courses 

Start Date Duration Location Register
23/06/2025 1 Day
01/07/2025 1 Day
09/07/2025 1 Day

All of our current spaces have been allocated. Please select a course below to be added to the waiting list. We will be in touch regarding your request when we are able to accommodate.

​Please note we assume that the information to be furnished by you will be your business information and not your personal information. Privacy Policy

Write to us

Spirax Sarco, UK Steam Technology Centre, Charlton House, Cheltenham, Gloucestershire, GL53 8ER