I’m a true believer in the idea that you learn something new every day. From discovering the meaning of a word you’ve never heard before to mastering a new culinary skill in the kitchen, learning makes life interesting and it also helps you develop as a person too.
Knowledge is power, as some might say– and developing a new skill will influence the way in which you do things. It can sometimes help make tasks simpler and therefore quicker and easier to complete, saving you time, energy and stress,
In the world of steam, I’ve come to the conclusion that it’s essential to keep on top of your game. Knowing your stuff helps us to reach those all-important targets. With tightening budgets and stricter energy requirements, the more you can learn about efficiency will help to reduce your carbon emissions, and potentially save you a great deal of money!
Which brings me nicely onto my point: condensate. I like to think of it as the unsung hero of the boilerhouse. However, claims like that need backing up, so I’m here to let you in on some interesting facts about condensate that will help to boost your knowledge bank and your business’s bottom line too.
The beauty of condensate is that is can be re-used. Better still, by re-using condensate you can reduce boiler fuel consumption by 10-20% – how about that! Reducing boiler fuel has other benefits too. It can bring down emissions of carbon dioxide, nitrogen oxides and sulphur oxides, helping to make the entire process more environmentally friendly.
If you prioritise condensate and manage it correctly the results you will gain are significant. You’ll be pleased to hear that it’s fairly straightforward to achieve and very cost effective.
Quite simply, the higher the temperature of recovered condensate, the more it can contribute to the efficiency of your operation, so it’s important to recover it while it’s still got that all-important energy.
Steam traps are one of condensate’s most dependable companions in the steam system. Their job is to remove condensate from the system but this is only possible if they are working at optimum performance. As the saying goes – you’re only as good as your weakest link! So to ensure condensate is recovered effectively you should make sure you keep your steam traps in tip-top shape too!
Condensate recovery can help your business to become cleaner, more efficient and profitable. This in turn will generate substantial savings and operational advantages to all of you who use steam systems. So don’t underestimate the benefits of learning new things. You never know what knowledge you can stand to gain.
On the subject of learning new things, why not request our new white paper, The unsung hero of boilerhouse efficiency, to unlock even more interesting facts and gain more. Get in touch
Chris Coleman, Condensate Handling Specialist
If you are under pressure to reduce the running costs of your boiler house, then I have some tips you may find useful.
“By including their steam system in a HACCP plant operators can better maintain, and feel more confident about, the quality of their plants output.”
Whether or not you’ve already read my blog which defines what condensate recovery actually is, you’ll no doubt be aware of the growing need to make your process more productive. After all, energy costs are rising and ambitious carbon emissions targets are coming into play – as if we didn’t have enough on our plates already!