A steam trap management contract saves AB World Foods 236 tonnes of CO2 a year.
Steam trap contract helps Heinz reduce carbon emissions by 200 tonnes a year.
Pneumatic controls upgrade helps Lionel Hitchen achieve product quality standards.
Steam system improvement helps ReFood save over 10MWh per day at waste-to-energy plant.
EasiHeat heat exchanger saves energy and fuel costs while reducing maintenance time at Strathmore Foods.
Reverse Osmosis system slashes annual fuel costs at Westons Cider.
Plate heat exchanger systems cuts hot water costs at Wadworth Brewery.
Steam system maintenance contract cuts Daniel Thwaites Brewery carbon footprint.
Heat exchanger upgrade cuts Leighton Hospital’s water heating costs by 15%.
Clean steam generators boosts steam quality standards at Waterford Regional Hospital.
Regional medical center increases steam system reliability and efficiency by standardising steam solutions.
Switching to EasiHeat delivers 15% energy savings at Aberdeen Royal Infirmary.
Applied engineering improves steam quality and process efficiency at a Hungarian pharmaceutical plant.
Upgrade to Easiheat heat exchange helps Catalent reduce energy bills.
Easiheat heat exchange packages improves energy savings, staff safety and cuts operational costs at pharmaceutical company.
Easiheat heat exchange package delivers energy savings and more available floor space for Alcon.
Steam trap survey uncovers energy and maintenance savings at a chemicals producer in Warrington, UK.
Steam tracing keeps lube oil flowing to loading rack at northeastern oil refinery.
Large oil refinery in the Gulf Coast, USA improves steam system productivity, energy efficiency, safety, and compliance.
Active Management of Process Steam Traps Nets Refinery a Multi-Million-Dollar Annual Saving.