Indepartarea aerului si condensului din sistem este esentiala. Returnarea condensului la cazan maximizeaza folosirea energiei disponibile. Avem oalele de condens potrivite pentru aplicatia dvs. Si oamenii care consilieze.
Balanced pressure thermostatic steam traps adjust automatically to varying steam pressures.
Extremely versatile traps that work efficiently on both light and heavy condensate loads.
Bimetallic steam traps can conserve energy by discharging sub-cooled condensate in those applications which utilise sensible heat.
The fixed temperature discharge steam trap employs a liquid expansion device to discharge condensate at a predefined temperature.
Inverted bucket traps are the most robust type of the mechanical traps.
The modern method of manifolding is to purchase the manifold as a standard piece of equipment just like buying a steam trap.
Replacement sealed traps utilise a non-remakeable joint, eliminating the risk of leaks to atmosphere.
Our range of connectors significantly reduce installation time, cuts costs dramatically, and eliminate system leaks.
Thermodynamic steam traps combine reliability, simplicity and efficiency of operation.