Válvulas Controlo

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Anvil 2

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Vista Geral

Válvulas de controlo de duas ou três vias, fabricadas em ferro nodular e aço vazado, nas medidas de DN15 a DN250.

As válvulas podem ser utilizadas em pressões até 100 bar e estão disponíveis com ligações roscadas ou flangeadas. 

Spira-trol Control Valve Maintenance

Brochuras de Venda

Documento language Numero de referência Descarregar
Controls and Instrumentation - An Introduction English SB-GCM-25 Descarregar PDF
Spira-trol General service control valves English SB-S24-45 Descarregar PDF

Folha de Informação Técnica

Documento language Numero de referência Descarregar
CE43 1" (DN25) to 4" (DN100) Carbon Steel Cage Design, Two-Port Control Valves English TI-F12-21 Descarregar PDF
'C' Series Valve Spares English TI-F12-22 Descarregar PDF
'C' Series Valve Options English TI-F12-23 Descarregar PDF
CE43 5" (DN125) to 8" (DN200) Carbon Steel Cage Design, Two-Port Control Valve English TI-F12-24 Descarregar PDF
Temperature Control Ancillaries English TI-P033-01 Descarregar PDF
STERI-TROL Clean Service "S" series Two-port and Three-port Control Valves DN15 (1/2") to DN100 (4") English TI-P183-02 Descarregar PDF
QLM and QLD Series Three-port Control Valves English TI-P359-14 Descarregar PDF
DM Type Solenoid Valves for use with Piston Actuated Valves English TI-P373-04 Descarregar PDF
PF6 Stainless Steel Piston Actuated On / Off Valves English TI-P373-13 Descarregar PDF
PF51G Bronze Piston Actuated On / Off Valves English TI-P373-14 Descarregar PDF
Balanced and Multi-stage Trim Options for Spira-trol Two-port Control Valves English TI-S24-59 Descarregar PDF
Opções de Obturação Balanceada e Multi-estágio para Válvulas de Controlo de Duas Vias Spira-trol Português TI-S24-59-PT Descarregar PDF
Spira-trol Two-port Control Valves EN Standard JE, JF and JL DN15 to DN200 and ASME Standard JEA, JFA and JLA 1/2" to 8" English TI-S24-60 Descarregar PDF
Spira-trol Two-port Control Valves - EN Standard LE, LF and LL DN15 to DN100 and ASME Standard LEA, LFA and LLA 1/2" to 4" English TI-S24-70 Descarregar PDF
Válvulas de Controlo de Duas-Vias Spira-trol Norma EN Série K e L DN15 a DN100 Português TI-S24-71-PT Descarregar PDF

Manual de Instalação e Manutenção

Documento language Numero de referência Descarregar
QLM and QLD Series DN125 to DN200 Three Port Control Valves English IM-P359-15 Descarregar PDF
QLM and QLD Series DN15 to DN100 Three Port Control Valves English IM-P359-01 Descarregar PDF
Spiratrol EL5000 Series Electric Linear Actuators English IM-P321-06 Descarregar PDF
Spira-trol K and L Series Two-port Control Valves English IM-S24-42 Descarregar PDF
Spira-trol Two-port Control Valves EN Standard JE, JF and JL DN15 to DN200 and ASME Standard JEA, JFA and JLA 1/2" to 8" English IM-S24-61 Descarregar PDF
STERI-TROL Aseptic Service 'S' Series Pneumatic Two-port Control Valves DN15 (½") to DN100 (4") English IM-P183-03 Descarregar PDF
Type PF5 and PF6 Piston Actuated Valves English IM-P373-05 Descarregar PDF

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