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Houve nos últimos anos, desenvolvimentos significativos que aumentaram consideravelmente os padrões de segurança e confiabilidade dos controlos de nível das caldeiras.

Sondas sem partes móveis e modernos e robustos controladores electrónicos, tão confiáveis que fazem com que a maioria dos acidentes com caldeiras, sejam acontecimentos do passado.

A nossa gama de controladores foi aprovada por numerosas entidades oficiais europeias.

Folha de Informação Técnica

Documento language Numero de referência Descarregar
APS1 Probe Simulator English TI-P402-68 Descarregar PDF
C2 Probe Chamber English TI-P402-41 Descarregar PDF
DCV3/B Boiler Feed Check Valve English TI-P402-121 Descarregar PDF
Electrical Enclosures - General Purpose - Plastic English TI-P402-29 Descarregar PDF
LCR2250 Level Controller English TI-P693-22 Descarregar PDF
LCR2251 Level Controller English TI-P693-23 Descarregar PDF
LCR2652 BHD50 Level Controller, Operating and Display Unit English TI-P693-24 Descarregar PDF
LCS1350 Level Switch English TI-P693-25 Descarregar PDF
LCS3050 Low Water Level Switch for two probes English TI-P693-26 Descarregar PDF
LCS3051 High Water Level Switch English TI-P693-27 Descarregar PDF
LP11-4 Level Probe English TI-P693-16 Descarregar PDF
LP21 Capacitance Level Probe English TI-P693-15 Descarregar PDF
LP40 High Integrity, Self-monitoring Low Level Alarm Probe English TI-P693-17 Descarregar PDF
LP41 High Integrity, Self-monitoring High Water Level Alarm Probe English TI-P693-18 Descarregar PDF
Remote Alarm and Shutdown Panels for Boilers English TI-S75-06 Descarregar PDF
Selection of Modulating Feedwater Valves Electrically Actuated English TI-S75-11 Descarregar PDF
Selection of Modulating Feedwater Valves Pneumatically Actuated English TI-S75-12 Descarregar PDF
SPV1 and SPV3 Sequencing Purge Valves English TI-P402-42 Descarregar PDF
WV1 Water Valve - Pilot Operated English TI-P402-03 Descarregar PDF

Manual de Instalação e Manutenção

Documento language Numero de referência Descarregar
APS1 Probe Simulator English IM-P402-69 Descarregar PDF
LC1350 Level Controller English IM-P402-129 Descarregar PDF
LC2650 Level Controller English IM-P402-128 Descarregar PDF
LC3050 Level Controller English IM-P402-131 Descarregar PDF
LCR2250 Level Controller English IM-P693-01 Descarregar PDF
LCR2251 Level Controller English IM-P693-02 Descarregar PDF
LCR2652 BHD50 Level Controller, Operating and Display Unit English IM-P693-11 Descarregar PDF
LCS1350 Level Switch English IM-P693-09 Descarregar PDF
LCS3050 Low Water Level Switch for two probes English IM-P693-06 Descarregar PDF
LCS3051 High Water Level Switch English IM-P693-07 Descarregar PDF
Level Control Systems Supplementary Safety Information English IM-P402-115 Descarregar PDF
Level Probe LP10-3 English IM-P402-49 Descarregar PDF
LP10-4 Level Probe English IM-P402-92 Descarregar PDF
LP11-4 Level Probe English IM-P693-05 Descarregar PDF
LP20 Capacitance Level Probe English IM-P402-37 Descarregar PDF
LP21 Capacitance Level Probe English IM-P693-03 Descarregar PDF
LP40 High Integrity, Self-monitoring Low Level Alarm Probe English IM-P693-08 Descarregar PDF
LP41 High Integrity, Self-monitoring High Water Level Alarm Probe English IM-P693-10 Descarregar PDF
PA20 Preamplifier English IM-P402-67 Descarregar PDF
PA420 4 - 20 mA Loop Powered Level Preamplifier English IM-P693-04 Descarregar PDF
PA420 4-20 mA Loop Powered Level Preamplifier English IM-P402-139 Descarregar PDF
Remote Alarm and Shutdown Panel English IM-P402-52 Descarregar PDF

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