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Pneumatiska ställdon som rör sig i förhållande till mängden tillförd tryckluft på membranet.
/global/sv-SE/products/control-systems/pneumatic-actuatorsValve actuator that moves according to the amount of air pressure applied to a diaphragm.
/global/en-MM/products/control-systems/pneumatic-actuatorsValve actuator that moves according to the amount of air pressure applied to a diaphragm.
/global/en-US/products/control-systems/pneumatic-actuatorsA range of linear actuators having five diaphragm size for matching the requirements of different valves at variuos differential pressures. Each actuator is fitted with a mechanical travel indicators and incorporates a full rolling diaphragm to give linearity over the full operating stroke. Very sensitive diaphragm, suitably shaped to assure the optimal performance in every working positions, and high quality springs accurately engineered and sized, assure an excellent proportionality between the plug position and the control signal.
La corsa dell'attuatore di una valvola di controllo è in funzione della pressione esercitata dell'aria di comando sul diaframma.
/global/it-CH/products/control-systems/pneumatic-actuatorsEn régulation modulante de niveau d’eau de chaudière, le diamètre standard de la vanne est en DN40. Une gamme de sièges est disponible pour s’adapter aux conditions de service et ceci pour la plupart des chaudières.
Les RP13 sont des robinets à piston en fonte disponibles avec des raccordements à brides suivant DIN 2401 PN16.
STERI-TROL 'S' series are two-port control valves manufactured using 316L stainless steel. They are designed for modulating control of clean steam, pure steam and process fluids.
A range of single spring linear actuators having 5 diaphragm sizes for matching the requirements of different valves at various differential pressures.