Sudamericana de Fibras is one of the most important textile factories in Perú. It is the only factory in South America producing complex fibers as “Drytex” with an annual production of more than 36,000 mt/year.
As the textile industry is becoming more competitive, there is a need to implement cost reduction strategiesas energy savings that are aligned with the factory sustainability goals.
To help them achieve this objective, Spirax Sarco Peru performed a steam trap survey using the STAPSHandheld innovative technology.
The production plant uses steam in their most important processes: washing and drying. This site has around 400 steam traps and the Spirax Sarco team explained how failed traps are directly related to the plant’s energy saving and reliability issues.
Spirax Sarco performed the steam trap survey using a new audit tool, STAPS Handheld; this tool identified the failed steam traps and provided effective data of potential energy savings. Despite the size of the population of steam traps, the survey was performed in a few days.
The steam trap survey showed that 30% of the steam traps were failed open. Spirax Sarco also made recommendations to optimize condensate drainage on the steam distribution system to avoid waterhammer.
After considering the Survey recommendations, the plant manager decided to implement a maintenance program for the failed traps.
Sudamericana de Fibras has verified a reduction of 1.4 tons per hour of steam consumption and about 1.3 tons per year of CO2 emissions.
Before we worked with Spirax Sarco, steam trap maintenance was only made in particular cases and it took us a lot of time. Their steam knowledge and technology helped us achieve our sustainability goalsChristian Sanchez, Maintenance and Engineering Manager - Sudamericana de Fibres
Wholesale gas prices have seen unprecedented hikes in 2021 which has led to many energy companies folding under the pressure. It emerged that the UK’s sixth-largest energy company with 1.7m customers, is seeking a bailout to stay afloat and this trend is set to continue.
Spirax Sarco has launched a new steam and thermal energy audit as part of its service portfolio.
Steam is an incredible heat transfer medium and, it’s come a long way from its traditional associations with locomotives and the Industrial Revolution. Today it’s an integral, clean and essential part of modern technology. Without it, our food, textile, chemical, medical, power, heating and transport industries could not exist or perform as they do.