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Series 5500 and 8500 transmitters are blind instruments working on force balance principle and designed for directly measuring differential pressures or levels and converting them into a linear 3 to 15 psi or 0.2 to 1 bar pneumatic signal. A high capacity, built-in amplifying relay allows signal transmission, even over considerable distance, with minimum air consumption. The transmitted signal is directly and strictly proportional to the measured value with remarkable accuracy, repeatbility and sensitivity due to the characteristic force-balance principle, without any moving part and, consequently, no friction or hysteresis and thanks to the feedback device of hte transmitting unit. Series 5500 transmitters are mostly used transmit instantaneous flow rate values of a fluid measured according to the differential pressure across orifice plates or Venturi tubes in process pipe network. They are also used for level measurement when it is impossible to install series 8500 transmitters directly on the tank.
Series 600 indicating pneumatic controllers are instruments designed for directly measuring a temperature or a pressure which is indicated by a pointer on a segmental graduated scale 100mm wide. At the same time the measured variable is automatically controlled by a pneumatic control unit which in turns operates a control valve or any other pneumatic device. Indicating controlling instruments with a receiving element for 3 to 15 psi (or 0.2 to 1 bar) pneumatic signal from a remote transmitter of any variable are also available.
I pannelli di commutazione modello 361 sono strumenti che vengono inseriti sul segnale di uscita di regolatori pneumatici e permettono il trasferimento senza scosse e perturbazioni dal comando automatico al comando manuale e viceversa. Consentono inoltre la temporanea esclusione del regolatore per operazioni di manutenzione, assicurando la possibilità di comandare manualmente la valvola pneumatica. Sono composti da un commutatore pneumatico a due posizioni, da un regolatore di pressione di precisione e di tipo intermittente (non-bleed) e da un manometro che indica la pressione del segnale in uscita.
O posicionador elétro-penumático YT- 1000L / 1000R é utilizado para a operação linear / rotativa de atuadores pneumáticos de válvulas lineares / rotativas, por meio de um controlador elétrico ou de sistemas de controle com sinal de saída analógico de 4 a 20mA ou ranges.
Il posizionatore EP 5 funziona secondo il principio delI’equilibrio di forze e quindi con attriti ridottissimi ed in assenza di isteresi. Esso garantisce una esatta proporzionalità tra la corsa dello stelo del servomotore pneumatico ed il valore elettrico di controllo proveniente dal regolatore pilota.
The SP400 smart valve positioner is loop powered from a 4 - 20 mA input signal to provide accurate adaptive positional control of pneumatic actuated linear and quarter turn valves.
Vanne pneumatique à siège incliné à 2 voies à commande pneu-matique, corps en bronze, pour eau, air comprimé, huile, gaz et vapeur.
With the highest precision the EP500 electropneumatic positioner can control any valve that is actuated by a linear pneumatic actuator that conforms with NAMUR. It guarantees an exact proportionality between the stroke of the valve and the value of the electrical input signal (mA) into the positioner.
Rückschlagventil mit Zentriergehäuse, durch dessen Außendurchmesser die schnelle und sichere Zentrierung zur problemlosen Montage si-chergestellt ist. Geeignet für Flansche nach EN 1092 bzw. DIN 2501, PN 10…PN40.
Pozycjoner PP6 może współpracować z dowolnym zaworem regulacyjnym z siłownikiem pneumatycznym liniowym lub obrotowym, zgodnym ze standardem NAMUR. Pozycjoner zapewnia uzyskanie skoku zaworu dokładnie proporcjonalnego do pneumatycznego sygnału sterującego z regulatora.