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Una gama de válvulas de interrupción con fuelle con bridas PN16, PN25 y PN40 para usar en sistemas de vapor, gas, líquidos, condensado y agua.
The BSA3HP is a carbon steel bodied high pressure in-line non throttling stop valve, having a multi-ply bellows and unbalanced or balanced options. These valves are rated to EN 1092 PN100 or ASME class 600 for use with both saturated and superheated steam applications and a range of other industrial gases and fluids.
The Spirax Sarco automatic pump trap is a screwed displacement receiver pressure rated to PN10. The unit is capable of automatically trapping or pumping, depending on line conditions. The unit is operated by steam and is used to remove condensate from process and heating plant under all operating conditions including vacuum.
Der SP7 ist ein elektronisch parametrierbarer und kommunikationsfähiger Stellungsregler zum Anbau an pneumatischen Linear- und Schwenkantriebe. Er zeichnet sich durch eine kleine, kompakte Bauform, einen modularen Aufbau und ein ausgezeichnetes Preis-Leistungsverhältnis aus. Die Anpassung an das Stellgerät und die Ermittlung der Regelparameter erfolgen vollautomatisch, so dass eine größtmögliche Zeitersparnis und ein optimales Regelverhalten erzielt werden.
The M21ECFi4 is a reduced bore ball valve with a single piece body, having ISO mounting as standard. It was designed and manufactured specially for Steam and Condensate applications to be used as an isolating valve, not a control valve.
Webbinarium om ångkvalitet. Uppnå och upprätthåll ånga av god kvalitet. Hur rätt kvalitet av ånga påverkar din anläggning, drift och slutprodukt.
/global/sv-SE/training/webbinarium-om-angkvalitetÅtervinning av kondensat till ångpannan är en viktig del i systemet för att bibehålla anläggningens effektivitet. För applikationer där pumpning behövs kan vi erbjuda rätt lösning.
/global/sv-SE/products/condensate-and-heat-recovery-systemsRen og tørr damp er avgjørende for å oppnå pålitelig drift og lang levetid. Sikre investeringen gjennom enkelt vedlikehold og visuell diagnostikk.
/global/nn-NO/products/pipeline-ancillariesSpirax Sarco's BSA3HP is a high quality, zero emission bellows sealed stop valve in carbon steel for pressure ratings up to PN100 and ASME Class 600.